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Berberine: A promising supplement with many benefits

Berberine: A promising supplement with many benefits photo
Table of Contents

What is berberine?

Η berberine is a naturally occurring chemical with a yellow color and bitter taste, derived from various plants such as hydrastis canadensis, coptis chinensis, Oregon grape, cork tree, and turmeric. For centuries, it has been used in traditional Ayurvedic and East Asian medicine for its antimicrobial, antibiotic and metabolic properties.

Η berberine it has shown to help with a variety of conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, as well as conditions such as liver disease and canker sores. It can also help boost the heart rate, fight bacteria, regulate how the body uses blood sugar, and reduce swelling.

In addition, the research supports that the berberine can provide numerous physiological benefits and activate enzymes that help regulate metabolism, cellular function and energy levels, offering metabolic support to the liver, kidneys, heart and brain.

How does berberine work?

Η berberine it is a substance that is taken in pill or powder form and is absorbed by the blood, reaching the cells of the body. There, affects various processes at the cellular level, affecting cell function and interacting with many molecules. This multimodal action of berberine allows it to affect more than one disease at the same time.

It is important to remember, however, that berberine should not replace any medical treatment and prior to its use the advice of a health professional is essential.

Berberine benefits

Plants and herbs containing the substance berberine have been used for therapeutic purposes for many years. Although it is known to have positive health effects, science is still trying to understand exactly how it works and what long-term effects it has. However, the research so far is promising and shows that it can help improve health in a number of ways.

1.Μείωση σακχάρου στο αίμα και πρόληψη της αντίστασης στην ινσουλίνη
Η berberine is a natural substance that can help reduce the blood sugar and prevent the body from having difficulty using insulin properly, a condition known as insulin resistance. According to a 2022 study, berberine can enhance the body's production of insulin and make cells more sensitive to insulin's action. This means it helps the body use sugar more efficiently, thereby lowering blood sugar levels.

2.Μείωση χοληστερόλης
Studies show that berberine can help reduction of "evil" cholesterol (LDL) and total blood cholesterol.

3.Βελτίωση καρδιαγγειακής υγείας
Η berberine it is a substance that can be good for the heart, especially when not enough blood reaches it. This means that can help the heart work better, reduce inflammation and environmental stress, keep blood pressure low and improve blood flow to the heart.

4.Αντιοξειδωτικές ιδιότητες
Η berberine is a substance found in certain plants and has antioxidant properties, similar to those of vitamin C. This means it can protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells. Both vitamin C and berberine act as shields, helping to protect and maintain cell health.

5.Βελτίωση πεπτικού συστήματος
Η berberine can also help with his problems digestive system, such as constipation and heartburn. It has been observed that this substance can have positive effects on the relationship between the gut and the brain, meaning that it can positively affect digestion, mood and overall health.

6.Βοηθά στην απώλεια βάρους
It has been proven that berberine helps the body to manages fat better and the sugar he consumes. This is because it helps to better break down the fats and sugars we eat, making the body more efficient at using them as energy instead of storing them.

How much berberine should I take?

Before taking berberine, consult a health professional, as it may interact with other medications or supplements you are taking. Also, do not substitute drugs such as metformin for berberine without consulting your doctor.

Usually, the recommended dose is 1,5 grams per day, which can be divided into multiple doses (3 times a day). Safe intake for up to six months is usually acceptable because there is no data on long-term use.

Berberine side effects

Η berberine appears to be safe for most adults and has been used without problems in doses up to 1,5 grams per day for six months. However, it can cause some side effects such as:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Gases
  • Digestive disorders
  • Abdominal discomfort or distention (swelling)
  • Motion sickness

At pregnancy, berberine can be dangerous as it crosses the placenta and can harm the fetus. It is linked to the occurrence of kernicterus (jaundice in babies), a rare brain injury in newborns.

For nursing mothers, berberine may not be safe to use as it passes into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby.

Berberine interactions

Η berberine may interacts with certain drugs, especially those that affect metabolism in the liver through it CYP3A4 enzyme, such as antifungal medicines, some antibiotics and antiviral medicines. In addition, it can enhance the effect of drugs that lower blood sugar, such as metformin, and affect blood pressure and heart function if taken with other drugs that affect these systems.

Careful use of berberine in combination with other medications and consultation with a physician or pharmacist prior to use is recommended to avoid possible dangerous interactions.

Now Foods Berberine

Η NOW έχει αναπτύξει μια σειρά nutritional supplements που συνιστούν σημαντικά εργαλεία ως προς την υποστήριξη της φυσικής ικανότητας του οργανισμού να ελέγχει το σάκχαρο του αίματος σε συνδυασμό με μια ισορροπημένη δίαιτα και ένα συστηματικό πρόγραμμα εκγύμνασης. Ένα εξ' αυτών είναι το συμπλήρωμα διατροφής BΕRΒΕRΙΝΕ of NOW foods.

The supplement BΕRΒΕRΙΝΕ Glucose Support της NOW combined with έλαιo τρυγλυκεριδίων μέσης αλύσου (MCT Oil) για την επίτευξη της μέγιστης απορρόφησης της βερβερίνης από τον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό και συνεπώς της αποτελεσματικότερης υποστήριξης του μεταβολισμού της γλυκόζης. Κλινικές μελέτες έχουν δείξει ότι η berberine βοηθά ως προς την υποστήριξη του φυσικού μεταβολισμού της γλυκόζης και των λιπιδίων εντός των φυσιολογικών ορίων.

H NOW, για περισσότερα από 50 χρόνια, παρέχει συμπληρώματα υψηλής ποιότητας, φυσικές τροφές, προϊόντα ατομικής φροντίδας και αθλητικής διατροφής. Οι μακροχρόνιες σχέσεις της NOW Ηealth Group με τους καλύτερους προμηθευτές πρώτων υλών ανά τον κόσμο εξασφαλίζουν ότι όλα τα προϊόντα της εταιρείας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των προϊόντων της σειράς υποστήριξης της γλυκόζης, παρασκευάζονται με επιλεγμένα φυσικά συστατικά υψηλότερης ποιότητας and clinically proven action. This is 16ος γύρος δοκιμών που πραγματοποιεί η NOW για το εν λόγω προϊόν από το έτος 2017.

Sources: Berberine - Uses, Side Effects, and MoreEverything you need to know about berberineToxicological Effects of Berberine and SanguinarineWhat To Know About Berberine: Benefits, Uses and Side EffectsBerberine – A Powerful Supplement With Many BenefitsWhat is Berberine?Health Benefits of BerberineBerberine benefits, dosage, and side effects

Vlasis Georgiou

CEO Wecare IKE
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