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UTI: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatments. Everything you need to know!!

UTI: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Treatments. Everything you need to know !!photo
Η urinary tract infection is a common bacterial infection affecting the urinary system. It is caused when pathogenic microorganisms invade the urinary tract and multiply in the bladder, ureters or kidneys. UTI is more common in women, but it can affect men too. In this article, we will examine them in detail causes, The symptoms and natural ones treatments for urinary tract infection.

Causes of UTI

There are many risk factors that can cause a UTI. The most common causes include:

  • Sexual activity: Sexual intercourse can cause bacteria to be transferred from the genital area to the urinary tract.
  • Poor hygiene: Lack of cleanliness in the genital area can facilitate the growth of bacteria and cause a UTI.
  • Obstructions in the bladder: A stone or other obstruction in the bladder can create an environment conducive to bacterial growth.
  • Inability to pass urine: Failure to fully empty the bladder can lead to bacteria remaining in the urinary tract and causing a UTI.
  • Weakening of the immune system: Certain conditions, such as diabetes or cancer treatment, can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of UTI.

Symptoms of UTI

The symptoms of a UTI can vary depending on the part of the urinary tract that is affected. Common indications include:

  • Pain during urination: Intense pain or a burning sensation when urinating is one of the most common symptoms of a UTI.
  • Frequent urination: The need to urinate more often than usual can be another symptom of a UTI.
  • Changes in urine: Urine may be cloudy, dark, or have a strong odor. It may also contain blood.
  • Urgency to urinate: Feeling the need to urinate with a small amount of urine.
  • Algos: Patients with a UTI may experience pain in the abdomen, lower back, or back.
  • Fever: In some cases, patients may experience fever and chills.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to contact one doctor for diagnosis and effective treatment.

Natural UTI Remedies

In addition to the traditional treatment with antibiotics, there are also natural remedies that can help to deal with it urinary tract infection. Some of these include:

1. Hygiene and prevention

Good hygiene practices: Wash the genital area thoroughly with a mild cleanser and warm water. Avoid using soap or products that can disturb its natural balance PH.

  • How much water do you drink: Increase your fluid intake, especially water, to promote hydration and help cleanse the urinary tract.
  • Avoid using diaphragm: Using a diaphragm as a method of contraception can make it difficult to empty the bladder completely and encourage bacterial growth.

2. Natural antimicrobial products

  • Cranberry: Cranberry contains natural compounds that can help fight the bacteria that cause UTIs. You can consume it raw, in the form of juice or in dietary supplements.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics, such as yogurts and probiotic supplements, can strengthen normal gut flora and help reduce UTI-causing bacteria.

3. Natural pain relievers

  • Heat: Applying heat to the abdominal area can help relieve the pain that accompanies a UTI.

It should be noted that natural remedies can be helpful in relieving UTI symptoms, but they are not a substitute for antimicrobial treatment offered by a physician.

In summary, a UTI is an irritating and persistent infection that affects the urinary tract. Prevention and early treatment are vital to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. With proper prevention, a healthy diet, and the use of natural remedies, you can help treat a UTI and restore your urinary tract to good health.

Note: Before starting any treatment, always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment for UTI.

Discover the full collection of UTI products in our store  Wecare  and get the comfort and well-being you need.
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